Saturday, May 23, 2009

i haven't really talked to anyone today.
i took a picture of my ice cubes & cream tea. maybe i will post a picture of it.
but doing so made me feel old. alone. like the people who post on the lj communities i read.
it's funny because i only waste time reading them, i don't even contribute.
whose the one with a pitiful life?
i almost made cookies today but the flour was so expensive. everything is expensive at UDF. except milk. i reckon the milk is priced pretty good.
i hate ethan frome
i don't want to read it. but i have an hour before alton calls.
maybe more. he said around eight
i basically did not a thing all day.
i wish i had gone outside. my roommate likes the air conditioning on. so i think my life
staying here in this apartment
is sterilized. solitary. confinement.

if you want to be depressed, spend a day alone. then another.
if you need another, go ahead, take another day.
now you are absolutely alone.

that is the only step you need. promise.

im going to go look for another book to read.

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