Friday, December 18, 2009

Inbox (2/50)

Date : Dec 18, 11:05 am
From aaron- Alton it is
really cold in their
basement. And I don't
mean like a little chilly I
mean colder than
frostmournes hilt lol
bring layers lol
From : alton lee

Date : Dec 18, 9:18 am
I just wrote a macro to
update file name fields
automatically in word for
the 500 files as pdf
converter opens each
file. Ah the sweet taste
of programming!
From : alton lee

Friday, December 11, 2009

kt looked at the chai tea, sitting next to her at the dining table. The very cluttered, junk-filled dining table.
"You are my last hope of sanity." She said finally.
The chai tea knew this was completely true. It was the last chai tea in the box, an ordinarily horded and sacred tea bag. But this was a time of desperation. Not quiet desperation. Teeth-gnashing, pitiless desperation.
So the chai tea did every thing it could. It wrinkled its tea bag nose. And shut its tea bag eyes. And seeped out it's delicious tea aroma. It hopped it would be enough.
kt hoped so too.

Monday, December 7, 2009

over! over! over!

school is almost over! my brain is almost over! the mysteries about life that i can't explain will never be over! people are confusing and over! i am almost as confusing over!

gah. my life literally feels like too many exclamation points and not enough space. it may also be noted that i now plan on having a computer hunch in my back forever.

so. design quarter 1 is over. now that i have all these sweet skillz what should i do with them? how will they relate to linguistics? or more importantly, how will they relate to my life?

on a more happier note, it snowed this morning and i decided that the world was my Christmas present. kind of like the world is my oyster, only more holiday themed.

on a more depressing note, my 320 assignment was awful. and late. and awful. and i don't want to think about it. if i could travel backwards in time, i probably would not have stayed up until 2 talking to alton last night and i would have had at least two more hours to work on it. the design was nice, even kinda cool. but the text was ridiculous. also the premise of the book. also the typography.

okay, this is what i don't understand. true design for me is beautiful. (i know, i know, what do i know after 1 quarter) and a lot of the stuff other people turn in look-- organized. clean. even technically proficient. but not beautiful. not ... exciting. maybe it just isn't exciting for me? but the stuff i turn in, regardless of whether it was a success or failure, is exciting every time. i don't ever let myself do a boring assignment, even if that would be eaiser / possibly better grade.

i wish they would grade us on that. then my grades would be better. sigh.

okay but! the quarter is almost! almost! over!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

sometimes i am still a sad person even when i bake cookies and have no work due until monday.