Friday, October 23, 2009

the cincinnati morning time

this morning i come down early.

it is early because it is still dark outside

it is still dark outside because it is raining beautiful fat raindrops

our puppy dog seiji is thrilled to see me
he jumps and squeals and whines so i pet him
of course of course i pet him he is our puppy dog
and then he begs please please please
please what? i do not know.
so i start to make breakfast
please please please

seiji, what on earth do you want?
i follow him to the door
and he starts getting excited
please! please please!
i open the door.
then the screen,

bam! before i can get to the screen, seji pushes it open
and it clatters back. he is off!
he is running as fast as he can, past the trampoline
through the trees through the bush
it is the corner of our property!
he runs down down down to

i don't know. to what? 15 seconds after i let him out, he is back, wet and sound.
i let him back in.

what a silly puppy dog!

and now, dear internet,
he is asleep in my lap.

what a good puppy dog he is.

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