Monday, August 31, 2009

today is an amazing outside day

except i came home and started packing and then got on the computer
and i did not go outside.

why is it so hard to go out of my house by myself?

why is it that i always run out of boxes?

why is it that i always run away?

here is what i am going to do, internet. and i will have to, because otherwise tomorrow i will have to report my own distressing failings.

i will
1) create a roastbeef-colby-tomato-avocado sammich
2) wash some raspberries
3) pack some coconut
4) go outside
5) walk
6) find some adventures

if i do not do this, you will find out tomorrow. and i will be a little bit ashamed.

it is funny because i think that avacado looks better than avocado. you just don't say it that way. same goes with rasberries. razzle-dazzle-berries and polka-dot-faeries and smish-smoshed-cloud-rayries

that last one wasn't a word except in my head. just a tip from me to you, internet, it's okay to make up words.

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